M1 Carbine in service – period pictures
The M1 Carbine in Service Bill Trexlar 99th infantry Division, ETO WWII "During combat, I chose which weapon…
December 28th, 2018 9:49 am by Richard Whiteside in Collecting Militaria
The M1 Carbine in Service Bill Trexlar 99th infantry Division, ETO WWII "During combat, I chose which weapon…
December 28th, 2018 9:49 am by Richard Whiteside in Collecting Militaria
Collecting the M1A1 carbine Owing to the scarcity of original M1A1 carbines, here are a few essential things…
December 23rd, 2018 12:17 pm by Richard Whiteside in Collecting Militaria
Collecting the M1 carbine There were 10 main manufactures of the US GI wartime M1 carbine. Models made…
December 23rd, 2018 11:52 am by Richard Whiteside in Collecting Militaria
The M1 CarbineA Brief History m1 and m1a1 carbine The American .30 M1 Carbine was developed as a…
December 20th, 2018 5:35 pm by Richard Whiteside in Collecting Militaria
The ZF41 Sharp ShooterA brief history & collectors guide - part 2 ZF41 manufacturing variances During WWII, German…
December 14th, 2018 3:52 pm by Richard Whiteside in Collecting Militaria
The ZF41 Sharp ShooterA brief history & collectors guide - part 1 The Zielfernrohr 41, ZF41, was a…
December 13th, 2018 6:16 pm by Richard Whiteside in Collecting Militaria